Treatment for Depression
The first step is often the most difficult one to take, but seeing your GP early increases the chances of minimising the impact of depression and aiding a fuller recovery. Some of these treatments include:
Talking therapies
According to the National Institute of Health and care excellence (NICE), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective therapies for depression, with different levels based upon your symptoms.
Computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT)
This is one way of treating mild to moderate depression. You learn techniques online and mirrors the same type of session you would have if with a therapist. It can be helpful to have finished talking therapies first to stop symptoms coming back.
Exercise therapy
You can never undervalue how having good physical health can help with depression. Simply using the stairs instead of the lift could be all the exercise you need!
These are prescribed by your doctor, but you may need to try different types before you find one that works for you. These can have side effects, but your doctor will usually check if you have physical health conditions or if you are taking other medication before prescribing them to minimise, as much as possible, any side effects.
Electroconvulsive therapy
This is a procedure used to treat severe depression, which involves electric current briefly being passed through your brain whilst under general anaesthetic. This should only be used if your depression is very bad and that your life is at risk or no other treatments have worked.