Support Partners
SPORTS has numerous partners that help offer support and information to SPORTS and your local club. These charity organisations are vital to our vision of informing more local clubs and members around Northern Ireland about mental health issues and how to overcome these.
Our Support Partners
Christians Against Poverty
We exist because nobody should be held hostage by debt and poverty. But the truth is that they are rife in the UK. In a society where people live behind closed doors, thousands are desperately poor. Unable to feed their children, incapable of paying to heat their homes in winter, the grip of poverty is relentless. It breaks families apart and drives many to think that suicide is the only solution.
Visit WebsiteExtern
Extern is the trusted, forward-looking charity that changes people’s lives by meeting them at their point of need. We bring solutions and deliver quality services, reconnecting people with society, building better communities for us all.
Extern believes that people should be able to find stability to change their lives and contribute to the community in which they live. We address homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse and rehabilitate offenders to build safer communities. We intervene with adults, vulnerable young people and their families to improve their lives.
Visit WebsitefightED
The primary aim of fightED is to provide support and advice to parents and carers who have a loved one suffering from an eating disorder.
We know through our own experiences that eating disorders do not just affect the individual. They can have a devastating impact on the whole family.
Visit WebsiteNewtownards Foodbank
We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.
Visit WebsiteThriving Life Church (TLC)
What started in a living room, moved to a hotel, then to a local Scout Hall, then to Movilla Road and eventually to our new premises opened June 2015 on Crawfordsburn Road Newtownards. Our hope is that you discover, in Jesus, the invitation to truly thrive; and that you join with us as we partner with God, to bring his transforming power to the regeneration of Newtownards and beyond…one person at a time!
Visit WebsiteLifeline
Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair. No matter what your age or where you live in Northern Ireland, if you are or someone you know is in distress or despair, Lifeline is here to help.
Visit WebsiteMind Skills
Mind Skills offering community-based training for positive mental health and suicide prevention.
Suicide is preventable. As a society, we have a responsibility to ensure that young people, adults, teachers, parents and carers alike, within our community, have the opportunity to discuss the subject of mental health in an open, frank and honest way. We want to inspire, motivate and educate people with our positive message. So how do we help? And can you help, too? Please take the time to read about the work that Mind Skills Training does.
Visit WebsiteSuicide Awareness Mental Health Initiative (SAMHI)
It is crucial to encourage people to reach out for support in times of emotional distress. This ensures that our amazing support services in Northern Ireland have the opportunity to provide the support and care needed in a timely way for people at their most vulnerable times. SAMHI offers support and care to those affected by mental health problems.
Visit WebsiteTackling Awareness of Mental Health Issues (TAMHI)
TAMHI is a mental health awareness charity set up in 2011 by Joe Donnelly and Stephen McLaughlin in memory of Thomas “Tammy Tucker” McLaughlin who took his own life in 2009.
Sport is reflective of our society as a whole and therefore it is important that sport addresses the importance of promoting a positive mental fitness for all. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that one in four of us will experience a mental illness at some point in their lives.
Visit WebsitePublic Initiative for Prevention of Suicide & Self Harm (PIPS)
PIPS Charity is here to provide support to individuals who are considering, or who have at some point considered, ending their own lives. PIPS also provide support to those families & friends who have been touched by suicide.
PIPS endeavours to make the understanding of the signs of suicide, the promotion of self-help and the need for immediate & effective services at the point of crisis, everyone’s business.
Visit WebsiteInspire Mental Health
Inspire is a charity and social enterprise and our aim is wellbeing for all. We deliver mental health, learning/intellectual disability, autism, addiction and workplace wellbeing services across the island of Ireland.
Visit WebsiteAddiction NI
Addiction NI is a Trading Style of The Northern Ireland Community Addiction Service, a registered charity providing treatment and support for people who are dependent on alcohol or drugs. We provide tailor-made treatment programmes for people with drug or alcohol problems, delivered in community settings.
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